Fuji Assembly Tools
Testers, FET Series Systems, FL Series Shut-Off Pulse Wrenches, FLT Series Non Shut-Off Type Pulse Wrenches, Impact Wrenches, Screwdrivers, Ratchets and Open-End Wrenches. Fuji assembly tool features include: An exhaust with a muffler, a two stage-squeezing type throttle valve mechanism, a reverse valve lever, square drive anvils, bit shank type anvils for screw drivers, handle protectors and duel chamber motors.
 Fuji Hydraulic Torque Testers, Digital Torque Testers and Portable Digital Tachometer.
 Fuji FL Series Non Shut-Off Type Pulse Wrenches feature top quality with ergonomic design.
 Fuji FLT Series Shut-Off Type Pulse Wrenches feature shut-off valve and plunger mechanisms.
 Fuji Impact Wrenches are suitable for various fastening and unfastening operations.
 Impact Clutch Type-Straight & Pistol Models, Slip Clutch Type-Straight & Pistol Models.
 Fuji Ratchets and Open-End Wrenches are used for fastening operations in confined spaces.