Universal Tool Air Drills
The UT line of Industrial Drills, has been developed to offer a wide selection of product choices to meet the increased market demands for quality, accuracy and dependability; as well as meeting increased demands for low vibration, temperature insulation and general operator comfort. The Universal Tool line of drills offers a selection of fully enclosed gear and planetary gear drives. Various models within the UT Drill Series feature our Softouch coating; or comfort grips which provides insulation to the operator, along with reduced vibration. Handle design and balance are key features; these features coupled with our precision ported throttle design offer optimum operator comfort and control in continuous processes. Universal Too uses only the highest grade materials, bearings, needle bearings and precision gears, to meet customer expectations for quality and dependability. With a wide range of speed choices, and HP capability the UT line of drills covers the needs of high volume continuous assembly processes, airframe and aerospace applications as well as intermittent MRO uses.