Zephyr Torx Screwdriver Bits
Torx ® fasteners are becoming more and more common in automotive and appliance assembly. Zephyr provides a full selection of bits for Torx screws. Torx fasteners are becoming more and more common in automotive and appliance assembly. By design, Torx head screws resist cam-out better than Phillips head or slot head screws. Where Phillips heads were designed to cause the driver to cam out, to prevent over tightening, Torx heads were designed to prevent cam-out.
 Zephyr Torx ® screwdriver insert bits. Torx fasteners are becoming more and more common in automotive and appliance assembly.
 Zephyr Torx ® screwdriver insert bits, tamper resistant. Torx fasteners are becoming more and more common in automotive and appliance assembly.
 Zephyr Torx ® screwdriver power drive bits. Torx fasteners are becoming more and more common in automotive and appliance assembly.
 Zephyr Torx ® screwdriver power drive bits, tamper resistant. Torx fasteners are becoming more and more common in automotive and appliance assembly.
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